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French Curriculum


At Redwell Primary School, French is the chosen modern language. Children will gain a coherent knowledge and understanding of the three pillars of language - phonics, vocabulary and grammar - which are the building blocks of language acquisition. These are practised through the four modalities of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Throughout the study of French, children will gain knowledge and understanding of the culture of France and it’s history and traditions therein. Children are given ample opportunity to explore, poems, songs, stories and rhymes in the language; thus developing their cultural capital.

We aim for our learners to: 

  • be confident using spoken language to initiate conversation and respond;
  • develop fluency in reading;
  • use phonological awareness enabling them to decode;
  • use good intonation and pronunciation;
  • develop fluency in writing;
  • be confident selecting vocabulary according to context;
  • have an understanding of how grammar can change and enhance meaning;
  • have a growing ability to use language creatively and spontaneously.


For our Key Stage 2 pupils, we follow the Salut scheme of work, which instils enjoyment and engagement around the learning of language through all modalities of language acquisition. The fun and accessible tasks, resources and activities allow all children to become confident to speak and understand the French language, whilst meeting the end of Key Stage Attainment Targets outlined in the National Curriculum and providing them an insight into further language learning in secondary school.

The modules within Salut enable pupils to study a range of topics, engaging in conversational French whilst also acquiring and understanding more subject specific vocabulary as lessons progress. Each unit (per term) aims to build upon prior learning and units are sequenced to enable pupils to purposefully build on learning from previous sessions to aid the retention of key subject and topic-based knowledge. Core units – introducing basic grammar and sentence structure – are taught in Year 3, whilst the complexities of French grammar and tenses are covered in Year 6. The lesson plans provided are easily adaptable to differentiate learning and provide challenge for those more confident with language learning.

Annually, as a school, Redwell celebrates Bastille Day where: children dress up, enjoy a croissant and jus d’orange for breakfast, learn the History behind the Storming of the Bastille and listen to/sing traditional French songs and stories. This celebration solidifies the learning of new cultures, diversity and language within our school.


The children at Redwell enjoy the fun that Salut encompasses within language learning and this is demonstrated in the progress and attainment through their language journey. Quizzes, interactive games and regular revisits of vocabulary throughout the week embed the knowledge acquired in the lessons to create retainable and long-term learning – all whilst creating an engaging classroom atmosphere.

We believe that when children leave Redwell Primary School, they will have a natural curiosity and confidence to explore other countries, cultures and languages: understanding that in today’s multi-lingual society, it is a valuable skill to be able to communicate effectively with others in another language. They will therefore be engaged and prepared to continue their language learning journey at Secondary School.

Progression Documents

General Enquiries

For general enquiries, please contact the school office at

SENCo: Fiona Hoskins

Assistant Principal: Sara Nimmo

Vice Principal: Dulcie Sharpe

Principal: Claire Head

Chair of Local Committee: Amy Patterson

Our Address

Redwell Primary School,
Barnwell Road,
Northamptonshire NN8 5LQ